The Coughing Flu

There’s a new flu in town. I searched and searched but could not find one person who could give the new flu a name. 

I’ll call it the coughing flu.

Be warned! Going to a doctor or hospital puts you at risk of being told you have the pandemic virus at which point you will be isolated, sedated and put on a respirator which is nearly always fatal. Why? Because Big Medicine wants the $39 grand from the government for any patient who dies of “Covid” and who is being “treated” by a ventilator. Always remember: suspicious nurses who send in UNUSED nasal swabs see them all come back positive for the pandemic virus. Don’t fall for this hoax.

The Coughing Flu is VERY contagious. Even being in the same room with someone who coughs without wearing a mask or covering their mouth can pass on this flu.

Each time you have a powerful cough
you expel infectious flu viruses out of your body
at nearly the speed of sound!

It starts in the sinuses. While it’s still there, you can eliminate it with one or two Neti Pot treatments including an eye dropper full of tincture of Echinacea. If you stop the flu in your sinuses, it will not progress to your bronchioles and lungs. Use this link to view Neti Pot information in our Covid page.

Consider the medical community’s response to Covid. They look for Covid in the sinuses but give you a shot in your . . . arm? What nonsense. I believe no “doctor” will ever be holistic enough to prescribe lung vapor medicine to help eliminate a pathogen that is in your . . . lungs. When you were a child, chances are your mom got you a vaporizer and put Vic’s VapoRub in it when you came down with a cough.

Next, it moves into the bronchioles. There it starts to trigger a spasmodic coughing reflex. You cough, but do not cough up anything.

Then, it moves into the lungs.

The coughing is constant, painful and prevents sleep. Some people break their own ribs from coughing so hard. You start coughing up phlegm. Then you have to stick with it: cough it up—spit it out.

The flu viruses are VERY small. They ride on invisible micro-droplets of your cough and can travel through the room you’re in, out the door, and down the hallway in both directions for perhaps 100 feet. 3 or 4 micro-droplets with a flu virus attached is all it takes to infect someone through their nose, mouth or eyes.

I found a treatment that works against the coughing flu. Here it is.

  • 1. Search Amazon and purchase a nebulizer cup, mouthpiece and air hose. You are usually not “allowed” to purchase a complete nebulizer because the AMA would miss out on overcharging you for one.

    I managed to find this complete kit
    at Amazon.
  • 2. In a sterile shot glass, rinsed with steam distilled water, put
    1/4 shot of steam distilled water.
    10 drops of tincture of Echinacea and
    2 drops of Rick Simpson hash oil into the nebulizer medicine cup.

    If your dispensary’s hash oil is very thick, rinse the syringe (with the cap on) under hot water from the faucet for one minute. When the hash oil is liquid enough, tap the pushing end against the back of your hand several times until a small droplet is ejected.  Using a toothpick, move the droplet from the hash oil syringe to the liquid in the medicine cup and use the tooth pick to stir up the mixture.
  • 3. Gently latch the medicine cup onto the T pipe and gently connect the air hose. The delivered air pressure is very gentle; the air hose does not have to be forcefully mounted to the medicine cup.

When not using the nebulizer, fold the air tube at the nebulizer into a U and stuff the air tube and medicine cup into a wide-mouth coffee cup to keep the medicine cup upright.

When a coughing spell takes place, pick up the T pipe, turn on the air pump, put your finger on the far side of the nebulizer T, put your mouth over the mouthpiece and gently take four deep breaths of the vapor. BOOM! The cough stops for perhaps one hour. When it returns, do the treatment again.

Unflavored Rick Simpson hash oil is sold at all legal Marijuana dispensaries in tiny syringes (without any needle). Many states have already decriminalized Marijuana. If your state is in the stone age and has not legalized, visit a doctor who will prescribe a medical Marijuana license for you. When the license arrives, go to a nearby dispensary and get your Rick Simpson hash oil. 

Do this now. Don’t wait for the flu to get your materials together. Put the Rick Simpson hash oil and the dropper bottle of Echinacea in your medicine cabinet and have it ready.

Making a nebulizer with Rick Simpson hash oil is nearly the same as getting a Rick Simpson hash oil vape pipe from the dispensary. Breathing in “hits” of strong hash oil vapor from the vape pipe for pleasure or breathing in weak hash oil vape from your nebulizer is nearly the same process. 

Click this link to watch Rick Simpson’s movie Run From The Cure.

Echinacea is a very powerful healing agent. It eliminates fungus (like athlete’s foot and toe fungus), bacteria (like colds) and viruses (like the flu, Ebola, Haunta, Lassa, Dengue, Covid, Noro, SARS and all the rest).

Before Big Pharma
had all the Echinacea information websites removed
to make their obscene drug profits more secure
you could read all about it.

An expensive Big Pharma antibiotic
only works on bacteria.

When the nebulizer vapor reaches your bronchioles and lungs it heals them.

Using this technique can reduce a flu illness from 8 weeks to 1. It’s worth the trouble to build your nebulizer and use it.
