Why Don’t Space Aliens Visit With Us?

Why would space aliens visit earth and not stay to "get to know us better?”

If you were a super-intelligent space-faring tourist would you really risk visiting here? Would YOU want to be captured, imprisoned, poked, prodded and dissected? I sure wouldn't. I would write FORBIDDEN PLANET in the galactic database to warn all others to STAY AWAY.

On Earth, the inhabitants:

  • Kill each other in wars that take place over and over and over again
  • Force human females to be like farm animal breeding stock. We don’t force abortions on women; we should not force unwanted childbirth on them either. 
  • Poison their food and themselves with insecticides and herbicides. Every person now has glyphosate (Round Up) in their tissues.
  • Allow Big Oil to sell oil and gas that destroys our climate
  • Allow Big Oil to eliminate inventors of alternatives to gas and oil (like cars that run on water) and hide the inventor’s work. Jay Leno has a V12 water-powered BMW.
  • Allow Big Oil to make millions of plastic containers that pollute the entire planet
  • Play with DNA to make profit by creating fake foods: corn, wheat, soy, salmon. We feed frankencorn to cows which makes them sick with E Coli, then we eat the cows which makes us sick. A farmer fed his cows on frankendgrass for 10 years. Then, the GMO “grass” suddenly started emitting cyanide which killed his cows. How long will people eat frankensalmon before the GMO fish kill the people who eat it?
  • Use HAARP energy and metallic chemtrails to make weather into a weapon—like using millions of watts of High Altitude Auroral Research Project radio energy to force a strong hurricane to stand still over Houston for 4 days!
  • Poison their ability to reproduce by letting PFAS out into the environment—now every umbilical cord has PFAS in it
  • Kill their forests by adding aluminum dust to chemtrails that desiccates trees
  • Kill their oceans and dump horrible poisons in it
  • Poison their atmosphere
  • Wreck the protective ozone layer letting in dangerous solar radiation that causes disease
  • Do foolish, deadly and dangerous things with radioactivity including 
    • making and using bombs 
    • making and using defective atomic power plants that blow up poisoning the land and the oceans for 300,000 years
  • Kill their holy men and women by crucifixion, poisoning, draw and quartering, burning at the stake and beheading

Land and visit with the earthlings? 

No way! 

Not if you want to continue living.

